Friday, November 21, 2008

We're done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can't believe it! I completely miscalculated when we would finish our diet and it turns out that yesterday was our last day. When I figured it out yesterday, I went through a ton of different emotions . . . I was so excited and so afraid all at the same time. It didn't seem real. In fact, I'm not sure I totally accepted it as a reality until the day was almost over. Even today it seems weird, but I'm praising the Lord for this blessing because I know for a fact that it is from Him.

Today is mine and Vernon's 5th wedding anniversary. We were both feeling so down because we weren't going to be able to celebrate to the fullest extent and then this beautiful realization about our diet appeared. What an amazing anniversary gift from the Lord! I love that He is celebrating this day with us - that He delights in our marriage and wanted to give us that reminder. Vernon is definitely my perfect match, the man that God made just for me. It's just incredible to me that God has orchestrated every facet of our lives - leading us to find each other, helping us through some really difficult times, and bringing us to a deeper love for each other than we ever knew was possible. That's His way though and I love Him for it!

So here are some of my thoughts as we come to the close of this diet:

1) God is GOOD and FAITHFUL!!! He sustains us and gives us ALL that we NEED. He satisfies our deepest hungers as His Spirit works diligently to help us know our Father better.

2) The reason I had some fear about ending this diet is because now I am left with the challenge of eating sensibly all on my own. I don't have any more "rules" to follow. That is liberating, but also terrifying. Our carnal bodies like rules because we think it's sometimes a lot easier to live by a lot of rules. If the list is black and white, at some point that gets pretty easy to follow. The problem with that is that when we live by a list of black and white rules, we are still way to prone to live through the flesh and not the spirit and that deprives us of what the Spirit wants to give us. Having a list of black and white rules can give you a sense of self-empowerment . . . at some point it's easy to believe that YOU are able to follow these rules and that you don't need the Holy Spirit to guide you in your efforts. WE make the rules and then WE follow the rules. We like being in control. Being on this diet for the amount of time we have been on it has definitely brought us to a place where it's been "easy to follow the rules". I'm SO excited to ditch the rule list and just simply rely on the Spirit for guidance and strength in my decisions . . . to get rid of the control again. It's definitely time for that. Flood, Holy Spirit, flood!

3) There are definite blessings in doing this detox that I'm grateful for: I've lost 26 pounds, Vernon has lost somewhere around 30 pounds, Vernon's immune system is MUCH improved and he doesn't have allergies anymore. I can't tell what other health benefits I've gained yet, but I now gladly eat veggies. I crave them in fact. I think about food differently and I'm aware of how I was harming my body before. Of course, I've learned so much about my sweet Lord through this and that has been the greatest blessing of all. Overall, it's been a good thing, but . . .

4) There are some definite downs to this detox as well: For the last few weeks, I have felt very convicted that this detox is not really THAT healthy. I've had to cut out whole food groups for this diet, it's lends itself to a controlling spirit, and it cuts you off from friends and family. The health of the body is based on so much more than just the physical that requires food. The mind and the soul need refreshment and rejuvenation as well. So much of that comes from being with those you love; from EATING with those you love - sharing a common ground. Our physical bodies need something from EVERY food group and to deny your body that is just not good for you. About a week ago, there was a segment on the Today show that talked about the dangers of being obsessed with eating healthy. It confirmed everything I had thought and felt for the last few weeks. Being obsessed with eating healthy can be as much of an eating disorder as anorexia. I totally see how that happens. Half of what we were doing on this detox were listed as signs of someone who suffered from the "eating disorder" of the obsessed with healthy eating group. Talk about an eye opener. Who knew the Lord spoke on the Today show?

Again, I am overall very thankful for this experience because of the so many things I learned. I'm equally thankful that the Lord removed us from the harm that potentially lies in this diet before it became too much of a problem. Oh, how I love Him for guiding every step I take!

Vernon and I will celebrate such a beautiful day with salad, pasta and chocolate cake from the Olive Garden. YUMMY!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much for taking this journey with me. I appreciate it more than you know and thank God for the blessing of friends.