Monday, September 15, 2008

Day 8

Today has been wonderful . . . I actually felt like a normal person today! I was able to get a few things done around the house and then I was able to go to town for some FUN!!! I grabbed some groceries at CostCo and then headed to Hobby Lobby for pure entertainment and stayed for a really long time. What a HUGE blessing it is to get back to a somewhat normal life!

I started taking ALL of my supplements today and the Lord blessed me in that I was able to get them all down. I guess we can say the cleanse is officially on. I talked to my doctor today and he said that I couldn't start eating meat until Sunday rather than Thursday since I was just now able to take my supplements at full strength. I had so much fun today that I really don't even care about that though. If I can feel like a normal person on just the veggies, then I'm great with doing that for a few days longer. My biggest concern was that I would never get back to normal until I added some meat, but I'm seeing that may not be the case.

Hallelujah for such a terrific day! There's just nothing else to say . . . Praise be to Him who provides for every single one of our needs!


Anonymous said...

Praise God!

Anonymous said...

OH, girl, I am so glad you are doing better. I am coming off sugar and it is so hard! Not nearly as hard as what you are going through, but I know the reward will be great for both of us! I will continue to pray for you and Vernon. He is superhusband I can tell. :-)

Robby and Lynsey said...

Yay!! I'm so happy to hear that you had an EXTRA fabulous day yesterday!! I hope you continue to do well on ALL of your supplements. That is so wonderful that your taste-buds are changing to include more veggies and that you are having more energy - even without the chicken and fish. You can TOTALLY do Saturday.
We knew we loved Vernon! Tell him we love him and appreciate him and continue to pray for him as he goes through this and struggles with his own hardships on this diet. You both are a blessing to so many!! Love you.

jduckbaker said...

Wowie! This sounds like a totally different girl! No- actually, more like a transformed woman!


Betsy said...

Yay! Oh by the way, I appreciate the great care that you took to Not run over my children's that tire??? (:

The Khans said...

Yeah Robyn. I am glad to hear you are making wonderful progress. It was great to see you Sunday and I pray each day gets better and better. God is definitely blessing you throughout this process.

Gina said...

I have been reading this and am hanging on every word - I admire you and Vernon so much for taking this journey together.

I am cleansing my life of the massive cloud of Inactivity I've been living under for the past 2.5 years or so. I am also cutting back on sugar, but I think I need medical help doing this because I am nearly certain that I have low blood sugar. Anyway...

I completely agree that all of this is a spiritual issue just as much as a health issue. Our bodies are His earthly temples, and oh how we neglect them and damage them!

Keep on fighting your good fight! I am so proud of you!

Regina said...

Robyn, I am so happy to hear that you're feeling better. Again, I am just so proud of you. It would have been so easy to quit! You are such a good example. Love you!