Saturday, September 27, 2008

Days 16-20

What a blessing to feel like myself again! I'm even enjoying doing the mundane chores around the house since I had no energy to do them just a few days ago. It's amazing how the body works when you eat protein! While I am still enjoying the vegetables, I can now say with some authority that being a vegetarian is definitely not the way to go for me. I guess that some bodies do fine with it since there are several people that choose that lifestyle and swear by it, but my body definitely does not function normally without meat. I'm good with that.

One of the greatest blessings of this whole detox experience is what it has done for my marriage. I'm a better wife than I used to be. I'm taking better care of my husband, our home, and myself and that just makes for a better marriage. I loved my husband more than anything before, but now that love is so much stronger and sweeter. Love the blessings the Lord bestows on His children when we live our lives for Him!!!

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