Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Days 21-31

We have successfully completed 4 1/2 weeks on this diet!!! It's amazing to me that we are 1/3 of the way finished. At the 1 month milestone, I'm proud to announce that I've lost a total of 13 pounds, which thrills me beyond no end! I'm not sure how much Vernon has lost because he hasn't kept up with it as religiously as I have. There's my vanity shining ever-so-brightly!

It's been interesting to see the progression of this diet. The first couple of weeks were brutal, the next couple of weeks were easy, and it seems like we're getting into another hard stage. For the couple of weeks that were easy, I feel like it was that way because we were able to reach the milestone of adding meat and then we finally found a routine that worked for us. Those were both such beautiful rewards to receive! I feel like it's getting hard again because there's no more small milestone's to make . . . we're done adding new things to eat and what was a good routine feels a little monotonous now. We're also both feeling tired again and that is a serious downer! The rewards are definitely harder to see right now.

The other night we had to go to a dinner party with some people that Vernon works with. We had to sit there and politely decline ALL of the food that had been prepared for us and I was mortified the whole time. They were gracious, but I couldn't get rid of the feeling that we were being so rude. I'm going to visit an elderly friend of mine tomorrow and I feel confident she will offer me something that she has prepared for me and once again, I will have to be rude and say, "No, thanks." This is all really hard for me right now, but as it is with all walks of obedience, we have to say, "No, thanks.", a lot . . . even to people we love. That's just plain hard and it's definitely something I'm having to rely on God's help to do.

Being tired again has been hard because I immediately want to default into my old pattern of doing things . . . going somewhere to eat, grabbing things that aren't as healthy, etc. It's made me aware of how hard obedience is when we're tired and when we're comfortable in our routine. Obedience is something that I have to work on all the time and just when I think I've mastered the area I'm trying to be obedient in, that's when it gets hard again because I quit being diligent.

So, it's back to being diligent in looking for new ways and new areas to be obedient in this diet. It's time to dig deeper.


Lauren said...

Wow...I just read all of this tonight. I'm so proud of you for doing this and it's been so interesting reading about your journey. The insights you have written about obedience have been inspiring to me. I wish you blessings as you continue!

Cassie said...

I hope that the day to day routine passes and your able to see just how encouraging you are. To me personally you have made me open my eyes and rely on God for a will power that I never have asked him for. I had always blamed him for putting me in tempting situations and making my body the way it is. I have seen from you just how much he does help. You are my inspiration and I have no doubt of the strength that you have within your self to glide through this stage of your life.