Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Day 10

The energy is FINALLY returning on a more consistent basis for me and that is music to my ears! Praise the Lord for continuing to provide energy! Vernon still comes home from work completely drained, but maybe that's to be expected. After all, he is expending A LOT of energy at work all day and still is only eating fruits and vegetables. We're just going to have to pray fervently for Vernon to have the energy he needs to feel really good.

I think the thing that both of us have struggled with today in this diet is how inconvenient it is. Vernon has business lunches every day and this diet does not lend itself well for those types of situations. Right now, he's just ordering dry salads and either taking an "approved" dressing from home or making his own of olive oil and pepper. If I had to do that everyday, I would DEFINITELY be sick of it. I want something WAY YUMMIER than olive oil and pepper on my raw salad! I'm so proud of his ability to continue in this detox journey away from the house!

While I feel so blessed to not have to navigate this diet outside of our home, I do feel like I'm cooking all the time (something I'm not really used to) and have to completely arrange my schedule around that. Now that I have some energy, that is starting to get a little bit old and restrictive. Everything I'm making doesn't take long to make, but I still have to be home to do it.

Also, our list of "acceptable" foods for this detox is so limited that it definitely poses a challenge. I still need to continue to branch out and try new things, so I'm going to type out the list of those "acceptable" foods as a reminder, hoping that it will spark some renewed interest in making something new. And, I'm sure some of you are curious as to what exactly we can and cannot eat. Here's the list:

Fresh or Frozen Vegetables as follows - Artichokes, Asparagus, Beets, Bok Choy, Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Carrots, Cauliflower, Celery, Chives, Onions, Leeks, Garlic, Cucumbers, Eggplant, Kohlrabies, Mushrooms, Peppers, Radishes and any leafy greens that we want. That's it for veggies . . . no substitutes.

Fresh or Frozen Fruit as follows - any of them with the exception of tomatoes and oranges.

Lentils and Brown Rice.

Oils as follows - Coconut Oil, Extra-virgin Olive Oil, Fish Oil, Flaxseed Oil and Grapeseed Oil.

Seasonings as follows - any that do not have sugar in them.

And on Sunday we can add free range organic chicken and deep sea fish.

That's it for 3 months. Sadly, I don't feel inspired to try anything different on that list yet. Maybe I will tomorrow. The Lord is so faithful that I know He'll send the inspiration that I need. I'm also reminded that obedience is very rarely the easy solution. Oh, the lessons to learn!


Jill Moudy said...

It seems to me that most of the reason you would feel bad is b/c that is practically NO protein and your blood sugar must be so low a short time after you eat! Have you tried making lentil soup? I'm just thinking eat as many lentils as you can! I wonder how they would taste on salad, with a spicy dressing? I'm grasping here....

Robyn said...

I do have a recipe for lentil soup that I haven't really tried yet, so I think I'll put that in the crock pot right now so we can have it for dinner. Thanks for that extra push and motivation, Jill! You are wonderful!!! I sure do miss you.

Marta said...

Hey Robyn... just wanted to tell you how very impressed I am with your dedication to this diet! Kyle and I have talked about doing something along these lines several times.... but I'm too chicken! You're my hero! Also, I was gonna tell you that every vegetable I can think of tastes so much better with a healthy dose of garlic salt and lemon pepper- don't know if either of those have sugar? We boil artichokes for an hour or 2 in water heavily seasoned with garlic salt and lemon pepper, then you dip the leaves in olive oil with lemon pepper in it- delish! My kids eat it like it's candy! And, I'm not sure, but I think artichokes pack a pretty good punch of protein which might help with the energy. Okay, I'm rambling now. Sorry! Thanks for sharing your journey with us! Praying for you and Vernon as you continue!

Robyn said...

Thank you, Marta for the great tip on how to cook artichokes! I knew there had to be a way, but even Millie wasn't sure how to tackle that one. I will definitely give that a try. I've been using my garlic salt like it's going out of style. The lemon pepper does have sugar in it, but I'm all about the pepper and I bet fresh lemon juice will do the trick. Thanks again!