Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Day 3

I'll start with the things that were really difficult today and end on the blessings . . .

Today was difficult because:
1) I could tell before I even got out of bed that my body was finally mad that I had only eaten about 1000 calories over the last two days. Sure enough, when I got out of bed, there was a moment that I thought I might pass out.

2) I got some breakfast of pineapples and grapes and almost vomited after the first bite. Yesterday they were my life-savers.

3) I felt hungry a good part of the day, which I had not been feeling much at all. It's always easier to do a diet if you don't actually feel hungry.

4) The cravings kicked in today, which had been basically non-existent. For whatever strange reason, I really wanted Oreos today.

5) The constant headache continues.

6) My energy level is LOW and keeping me from all sorts of things that I want to be doing . . . one including Jazzercise. I'm basically a hermit these days.

7) Now for my anxiety . . . I have every intention of making it to the end of this detox, but I'm incredibly anxious about adding the supplements back in. I'm anxious about the length of this detox. My anxiety makes me want to quit AT LEAST three times a day. Then I have anxiety about failing. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Lord loves me just as I am - that I'll never be obedient in every area of my life. That's why He sent His one and only perfect Jesus. I want to be obedient in this detox to the end, but I know that if I end up being unable to finish, I can still be obedient in my food choices. I guess that's why I have to take this one day at a time - actually, one meal at a time. So often obedience requires a long progression of baby steps, not one giant act. If I was able to just quit sinning by simply making a decision to do so, I would have done it already. We must be faithful in the little areas first. Why is it that the little areas are the most difficult sometimes?

Moving on to the blessings of the day:
1) I didn't pass out.

2) I didn't vomit.

3) Grapes and pineapples became my friends again later in the day.

4) I discovered a totally yummy way to cook egg plant and asparagus . . . I ate 1/2 of an egg plant for lunch! That and some asparagus gave me some much needed strength and it's the most delicious thing I've eaten so far. I actually wanted the egg plant and asparagus more than recognizable rice! The taste buds seem to be changing and that helped me get over the cravings.

5) Vernon was home with me again today, which is such a huge blessing, and he's feeling much better today as well. He's such a rock for me.

6) Before we began this diet, I bought some cards with daily prayers through scripture on them and have been reading one each day of the diet. The scriptures have been just what I needed to pray and gain strength from each day.

Monday's scripture was Psalm 145:18 - Lord God, you are near to all who call on You, to all who call on You in truth. Tuesday's scripture was 2 Peter 3:11 - Lord, as I look forward to the day of Your return, help me live a holy and godly life. I am totally incapable of holiness without You. Today's scripture is Psalm 43:3 - O God, send forth Your light and Your truth to my life. Let them guide me; let them bring me to Your holy mountain, to the place where You dwell.

I was also reading the prophesies of Revelation 2 and 3 today. The reminder that the Lord sees my deeds, is happy with some and not so happy with others is a good reminder to have and good motivation to keep me in obedience. I love that the Spirit moves, works and speaks clearly. I want to fully walk in the power of the Holy Spirit; take full advantage of the power I have been given to fight off the evil one through the Holy Spirit. I feel like this experience will be a good lesson in learning how to do that. I don't feel like I've taken full advantage of that so far. My head is always a little fuzzy when I don't get enough to eat and it makes it really hard to concentrate. However, I continue to recognize the strength that He is bestowing on me. I know for a fact that I could not do this without the power of the Holy Spirit living inside of me. I've been successful for 3 days now . . . without the Spirit, this girl would've checked out after the first incident of gagging. His love for me is GREAT!

7) And finally, one of my greatest blessings of today is that so many of you have left comments of encouragement. I can't tell you how many times I've read them all! I've cried reading them, I've laughed reading them; I've held them in my heart. Thank you for walking with me.


Anonymous said...

I saw Dr. Fryar this morning and accused him of trying to kill my daughter :) He is so sure this is going to help you, and I so hope he is right, because if you are suffering for naught, we will be forced to hunt him down. I love you and I am oh so proud of you, and it is wonderful what God is doing for you. Mother

jduckbaker said...

Whewie girl! We missed you in class last night, but when I didn't see y'all come in, I just said a pray of strength for you and for what you are accomplishing. Congrats on the eggplant and asparagus! How did you end up cooking them? (I love them both- but asparagus always has such a weird smelly impact on my, um, well- urine. Yikes! That's probably tmi.)

Hope you are well. Thinking and praying of/for you both.

Robby and Lynsey said...

I'm praying for you! You are strong and courageous and the Lord will continue to provide for you the things you need to make it to the end of this detox. You can do it!!!
And yes - asparagus does make a stinky impression on my urine as well. ;) I'll provide tmi, too...