Sunday, September 14, 2008

Days 5, 6 and 7

I can't believe that I'm over half way done with the 10 days of no meat!!! That is such exciting news for me!!! Thursday is the glorious day that we can add chicken or fish back into the diet . . . it's written on the calendar and will be celebrated greatly!

Friday was a good day . . . I was able to get down 3/4 of both shakes with protein in them and the protein gave me enough energy to do a little bit of recreational sewing. That was fun for me. I didn't have enough energy to make it to the Girl's Night Out that was scheduled for that night, which was super sad, but I was so excited to feel like a half-way normal person throughout the day. The Lord blessed me with such a good day right in the middle of this first 10 days without meat and I praise Him for it!

Saturday more blessings came. I knew I had to add in the other supplements at half dosage on Saturday, so I asked to Lord to take control of my gag reflex, my brain and my body. I needed Him to take control so that I could get those things down and He did just that. It took me almost 2 hours to get down my shake with the extra supplements and the pills, but I did it without gagging. God made this beautiful treat called Red Grapes that got me through . . . any time I felt like I might gag, I ate some of these super sweet treats and they calmed my tummy right down.

I was also blessed to spend Saturday with my amazing husband. While I was trying to get down my shake, he let me suffer in private and went downstairs to pray fervently for the Lord to give me strength as I attempted to get down those important supplements. I love his precious soul! After I got down my shake, got ready for the day, and made us some lunch, we went to the grocery store, to see Vernon's mom and then to get his brother a birthday present. By the end of our journey, I felt terrible. The supplements are what do the actual cleansing and that process made Vernon feel like he had the flu. I didn't quite feel like that, but I definitely didn't feel good. Vernon brought me home and made me my afternoon shake. That boy is good at making the shakes!!! He made me such a yummy shake that I couldn't even taste the supplements and I didn't need any grapes to get it down. What a blessing my husband is to me!!!

Another blessing of Saturday was finding a super yummy way to make broccoli . . . it was tasty, it didn't smell bad and it wasn't a weird texture in mouth like it usually is. I think these taste buds really are changing!

Now for today . . . I woke up feeling good and I got down my shake in a pretty reasonable amount of time. I felt good until we got into the car to drive to church. All of a sudden, I felt weak and a little bit nauseous. I really wanted to be at church though, so I decided to push through it. By the time I sat down at church, I felt like I was in a total daze . . . like I was watching what was happening around me on TV. I felt like there was a cloud over my head and like I couldn't move. It was so very strange! I got up to leave and Vernon guided me to the car. As we walked, I was so blessed to talk to so many of you that are reading this journal. You encouraged me so much this morning and I desperately needed that! Praise God for such sweet friends!!! I apologize that I was basically off in la-la-land. This has really been the weirdest part of this whole detox and I hope it ends VERY soon. Vernon made us some yummy lunch and that has helped the fog clear a bit. At least I think it has - I may read this tomorrow and wonder what on earth I was talking about! I've taken the second round of pills though, so I may be loopy again any minute.

I told Jenn this morning that this has definitely been the hardest thing that I've ever done, but it's also been the easiest. I continue to have no desire to cheat on this diet - no mental desire and no physical desire. That's definitely not of me - it's all of Him. The number of blessings the Lord has bestowed are so numerous that He's made it so much better than I ever dreamed possible. That's His way though. That's why it's always best to follow His plan . . . obedience is for our benefit because He knows best. He made my body and He knows the best way to take care of it.

Here are my prayers through scriptures for the last three days:

Friday - I call to You, God and You save me. Even if I cry out in distress evening, morning and noon, You will never fail to hear my voice. (Psalm 55:16-17)

Saturday - Teach me Your way, O Lord, and I will walk in Your truth; Give me an undivided heart, that I may fear Your name. (Psalm 86:11)

Sunday - Guard my life and rescue me, O Lord. Let me not be put to shame for I take refuge in You. May integrity and uprightness protect me, because my hope is in You. (Psalm 25:20-21)

Blessings to you today as well.


jduckbaker said...

It was fantastic to see you at church today. You are a testimony.
Praise be to our Lord.

Jill Moudy said...

What an incredible testimony you are in the middle of. If you can, you need to listen to the Michael Card album, The Hidden Face of God. I think it would really minister to you right now. Love you, and I am in prayer for you.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing this journey with us, Robyn. I am praying for you and am excited for you for Thursday!! I know God is blessing you tremendously.